Your Trusted Comfort Keepers- Apollo Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Apollo Heating & Cooling, Inc. is a premium HVAC Contractor Company located in Michigan. Our job is to provide not just cool air for the summer heat, but also warmth during winter’s cold. We believe in delivering comfort throughout the year, and our track record of satisfied local customers speaks volumes about our dedication to service.

A Community Benefactor- More Than Just An HVAC Contractor

Our contribution goes far beyond fixing HVAC systems, our presence and expertise have over time become part of this beautiful Michigan landscape. Our clients often describe us as a “community benefactor”, and we take immense pride in this recognition. Each technical solution we offer, each customer comfort complaint we solve, is a step forward in strengthening ties with the people around us.

Exceptional Air Conditioning Services – Comfort Assured!

Ours is a company built on trust and quality service. We are not just any air conditioning company. At Apollo Heating & Cooling, Inc., our range of air conditioning services is designed to ensure that you enjoy absolute comfort at home, irrespective of the Michigan weather. Be it air conditioning installation, system maintenance, or emergency repairs, our team of professionals is always ready to offer their expertise and commitment.

Ending the day by walking into a cool home during the summer or a warm one during winter is a comfort we extend to every Apollo Heating & Cooling, Inc. customer. Our commitment to your comfort is what has earned us our reputation, and it is what continues to drive our interactions and dealings with people in, and around Michigan. A part of Michigan’s community, a part to its comfort, we are Apollo Heating & Cooling, Inc.