Mastering Your HVAC: Tips, Tricks, And Advice From Experts

At Staab & Sons, Inc., we know how crucial AC installation, heating service, and maintaining your HVAC systems can be. Not only are they essential for your comfort, but are also important for your health during extreme weather conditions.

Proper AC Installation

When installing your air conditioner, placement is everything. Select a location that doesn’t receive direct sunlight, as it can overheat your AC, causing it to work harder. It’s also recommended to isolate the AC from areas where its noise could disturb you. Most importantly, always rely on professionals as incorrect installation can decrease efficiency by up to 30%. For top-notch AC installation services in Pittsburgh and surrounding regions, you can always rely on Staab & Sons, Inc.

Heating service is another critical aspect. To keep your heating system at peak performance, schedule regular maintenance checks. Not only will this enhance the efficiency of your system, but it will also extend its lifespan. Remember to keep all vents unblocked to ensure better airflow throughout your house.

Perfecting Your Heating Installation

Just as with AC systems, heating installation should always be left to professionals. They’ll properly assess your home’s size and choose a heating system that will be most efficient. And just in case it breaks down during those cold nights, always have the contact of a 24/7 heating service provider like Staab & Sons, Inc.

Looking at broader HVAC service: frequent filter changes, regular cleaning and timely professional service will keep your HVAC system running smoothly. It’s advisable to change your filters every 30 to 60 days based on usage. A simple rule of thumb to remember is: If your system is running round the clock, more frequent changes are necessary.

Furnace Service Fundamentals

When it comes to furnace service, consider it at least once a year, preferably before the peak of winter season. By addressing potential problems before they occur, you ensure your furnace is energy efficient and keeps your home warm when it’s needed most.

Remember, for all your HVAC service needs in Pittsburgh, PA; West Mifflin, PA; Bethel Park, PA; Carnegie, PA; South Park, PA & Pittsburgh, PA, the expert team at Staab & Sons, Inc. is here to help. Whether you need AC or heating installation, HVAC service, or furnace service, you can trust our reliable and professional team to keep you comfortable all year round.